Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Forgive Me for Not Trespassing: a Confession

save us from our adversaries
ourselves, who want
more than we were made for—
nay, not more, but less.
We believe Twinkies are what we crave.
We believe mud pies are better than holidays by the sea.

But why pray for Your kingdom?
Thy kingdom is already here—
At least the part that matters:
Assurance of eternity with You
And all the comforts of modern existence.
Insta-Internet, the portal to near complete fulfillment.
Why venture outside my bubble?
It would pop.

Earth is already close enough to heaven.
If it isn’t, we can always access a virtual version in the here and now.
The then becomes the now
And now it doesn’t matter what is real.

It’s much easier to flit through pixel and page
To another world—anywhere but here.

Forgive me for not trespassing—
I have stayed in my fort and made it a cottage—
Snug, secure, cozy.
Just perfect for me.
My neighbor I do not know, let alone hate enough to possibly love.

Lord—why hast Thou given us our body and our blood?
The flesh that reminds us all too clearly—
We are here?
For this is where we need You.

Take and Eat

the Son became flesh—
how can we eat You?
Why should we—
if our bodies are to be despised,

Who are You
in this moment of screaming agony
writhing limbs
seared flesh?

If not one of us,
then what are we?
Our bodies, merely matter?
Or spiritual...bodies?
If this, why eat