Stolen from Eugene Peterson.
Yesterday, I finished reading Anne of the Island. I love these series! I'd started it a few months ago, wasn't immediately entranced, and tossed it aside for more absorbing reads. Finally, I picked it up again a month-ish ago and was pleasantly surprised how quickly I was caught up in it.
Same thing for Annie Dillard's An American Childhood--had started it ages ago, didn't take, but am now loving it. What's the change for these scenarios? Certainly not the books. It makes me wonder how often I've done that--with other books, maybe even people.
Hence, amongst other thoughts...the words in the title. I want to look beyond the surface, past the first few pages, and really see--cut open the rock and see the glistening gem inside. Cliche? If it wasn't true. But it is. I want to see. I need to see.
What a relaxing image - you reading Anne of the Island. :-) I think I know exactly what you are talking about here.