Monday, November 29, 2010

As if buoyed

As if buoyed
By some mysterious hope
By some fragile grace
That what is seen
Is not all there is

As if buoyed
By some frail strength
By those threads of prayer
Those steadfast hands
Of love

As if a God
Dances in the shadows
Smiling surreptitiously
Gathering hope
Bestowing faith

You will be ok
You are mine.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Oh merciful God...

of course I do not deserve your grace.
It is grace.
A good, grand thing to come home to...

Monday, November 15, 2010

What is left to say?

It's the end of the day, and I'm not sure what to write--there's so much to say, but what matters? Is anyone even reading this?

I've been thinking I would like my blog to have a wider readership, which would motivate me to write more regularly. So far, I didn't share this blog widely because I wanted the freedom to write my thoughts without worry about others' evaluations, but now, I want to have more interaction. Particularly, I want to write out my theological musings and foster some dialogue...please chime in! Your voice is appreciated, and matters.

Today, I had a phone interview for a part-time admin assistant job at a church (not mine)--went well, so in-person interview on Wed afternoon. Two tutoring center interviews this week, plus interview Wed morning for Grant Assistant jobs. Only the Grant Assistant jobs are full-time. Of course, I would prefer full-time, but realizing I need to make money in whatever way I can, short-term, while aiming for better-fitting jobs long-term.

Starting tutoring at another center this week, just two times, but feeling like my plate's rather full, esp without a car. Oh, boy. Feeling like I'm juggling more than I can handle...

One note of encouragement: I sat down next to a woman on the bus and asked her how she was doing.

"Doing well-I'm blessed."

"That's great. Why do you say 'blessed'?"

"Well, I'm alive and healthy and living another day. I have a job I know is from God..." She proceeds to share in glowing terms how good God is to her, how he's rescued her from drugs, and her children, and I am humbled. She commutes from Long Beach to Norwalk I think. I ask her what job she has, and it's cleaning offices. Huh--she's grateful for that job? Maybe if I knew more of her story, I would see the "miracle" of that job.