Today, instead of being glued to the computer screen looking for jobs, I:
~defrosted the freezer
~biked in the crazy heat for the first time since Vancouver (it wasn't the smartest thing I've done, but I do feel re-comfortable that I can bike again)
~got fingerprinted for my new part-time tutoring job with the school district. Oh, and signed that I affirm the Constitution.
~drank 3+ glasses of White Grape Peach juice and got a headache.
~had a dinner meeting with a couple from church about planning an evangelistic session.
~researched Hyundai Sonatas and old Acura Integras/Legends online. Dilemma: borrow some money for a newer car, or pay cash for an old car that could be a good purchase?
Huh. I guess I didn't do as much as I thought. Oh, well. Tomorrow's another day.